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- Ngono na Umri Standard Series | France Casting
Jinsia na Viwango vya Umri Tafadhali Wasiliana nasi kwa -au- kuagiza au kuomba makadirio. SA001 Suchey-Brooks Male Age Determination $199.00 Set consists of 12 male pubic bone models to illustrate the six phases of the Suchey-Brooks pubic symphyseal age determination system. The system is based on an extensive sample of male pubic bones (n=739), with legal documentation of age (death certificate). SA002 Suchey-Brooks Female Age Determination $199.00 Twelve pubic bone models illustrating the six phases of the Suchey-Brooks pubic symphyseal female age determination system. SA003 Epiphyseal Age Determination $249.00 Set consists of 7 medial clavicle models (1 with separate epiphysis), 7 iliac crests (2 with separate epiphyses), 2 proximal humeri and 1 proximal femur, to aid in age determination by phases of epiphyseal union. An identified Jane Doe case is also represented by three bones (2 pubic bones and 1 iliac crest) to illustrate the use of multiple age indicators. SA004 Suchey-Sutherland Sex Determination $229.00 This set of 9 pubic bone pairs (5 female and 4 male) is designed to assist researchers in the sex determination of skeletal remains using the os pubis. An extensive sample (n=1284) of well-documented pubic bones was studied. Stress is given to conditions in the adolescent and hard-to-sex bones. SA005 Suchey-Brooks Male Instructional Casts $259.00 Twenty-two pubic models (5 paired and 12 single) for use in instruction and practice of age determination by the Suchey-Brooks male system. These individuals are of known age (death certificate), but are not part of the original sample of 739 bones upon which the male age determination is based. #SA001 is NOT included in this set. SA006 Suchey-Brooks Female Instructional Casts $259.00 Set includes twenty-nine pubic models (13 paired and 3 single) for use in instruction and practice of age determination by the Suchey-Brooks female system. These individuals are of known age (death certificate). Information on pregnancy is included for interpretation of dorsal changes. #SA002 is NOT included in this set. SA007 Forensic Applications I $249.00 Actual 3 John and 2 Jane Doe cases are presented to teach the use of multiple age indictors. Information is included for these identified individuals. SA008 Occipital Age Determination System $359.00 with skull $249.00 without skull Conditions of the development of the occipital bone are shown in specimens without age documentation. The “basilar suture” is stressed with data on documented individuals. This set includes four occipital bone cast sets showing varying stages of the union of the basilar portion. Infant cranium is optional. SA009 Gilbert-Suchey Variations in the Female Os Pubis: Age, Trauma, Pathology $259.00 This set of female pubic bone casts illustrates variability seen in the os pubis relating to age, trauma, and pathology. These bones illustrate key points from the joint research of Mile Gilbert and Judy Suchey (1984-continuing). Three photographic slides are included which compare the cast of the “Lucy” (Australopithecus afarensis) pubic bone to a modern female. The cast of the “Lucy” pubic bone was provided to J. Suchey by the Institute of Human Origins. SA010 Field Sampler Series $259.00 A great set of field samples. SA100 Iscan-Loth Rib Age Determination $319.00 Forty-two casts of males and females illustrating age determination from the sternal end of the fourth rib. Instructional materials included. SA200A Dental Development Maxilla and Mandible Approximately 6 Years Old. $199.00 Mandibular and maxillary bone cut away to show dental development. SA200b Dental Development Maxilla and Mandible Approximately 10 Years Old $199.00 Mandibular and maxillary bone cut away to show dental development. CS200 Human Subadult, Upper Dentition Exposed (approx. 6 yrs old) $359.00 This individual is not documented so age is an estimation only. Upper dentition is exposed, but that of the mandible is not currently but may be in the future. PI001 Human Infant Postcranial Bones $279.00 Full term human infant bones from both sides including left and right femur, tibia, fibula, os coxa, humerus, radius, ulna, scapula, and clavicle. More bones available - contact us for details. SA300 Human Subadult: 0.5-1.5 Years of Age $529.00 Experts at the Smithsonian age this individual at .5 – 1.5 years of age Includes: -Left Femur -Left Calcaneus -Left Tibia -Left Fibula -Left Ischium -Left Ilium -Left Clavicle -Left Scapula -Left Ulna -Left Radius -Right pubis -Right Fibula -Right pubis -Right Fibula -Cervical Vertebra Arch (2 halves) -Lumbar Vertebra -Thoracic Vertebra -Portion of Sternum SA301 Human Subadult: 1-2 Years of Age $338.00 Experts at the Smithsonian age this individual at 1 – 2 years of age Includes: Left femur Right ilium Left humerus Right pubis Left ulna Right ischium Left radius Mandible Left clavicle Left scapula SA302 Human Subadult: 7.5-8.5 Years of Age $759.00 Without Skull $1059.00 With Skull Experts at the Smithsonian age this individual at 7.5 – 8.5 years of age Includes: Cranium and Mandible (optional) Left ischium/pubis Left femur + epiphysis Right ischium/pubis Left tibia + 2 epiphyses Left ilium Left humerus + epiphysis 2nd cervical vertebra Right humerus, no epiphysis Cervical vertebra Left ulna + distal epiphysis Thoracic vertebra Left radius + distal and proximal epiphyses Lumbar vertebra Right clavicle 1st sacral vertebra 2 portions of sternum Left scapula Left calcaneus CS302 Human Subadult Cranium (7.5 - 8.5 years) $299.00 This individual has been aged by experts at the Smithsonian, and is from SA302 (in the sex and age determination series). Includes cranium and mandible though mandible is not pictured. SA303 Human Subadult:15-19 Years of Age $159.00 Includes Right Radius Distal Fibula SA304 Human Subadult: Mid Teens $139.00 Right humerus with proximal epiphysis missing, distal complete union. SA305 Human Subadult: Late Teens $139.00 Right humerus with line at proximal epiphysis, distal complete union SA306 Human Subadult: Documented 13 Year Old $219.00 Right humerus with unfused proximal epiphysis, distal compound epiphyseal fusion with distinct line and slight separation at lateral epicondyle, and unfused medial epicondyle Right ulna with unfused proximal and distal epiphyses THIS ITEM IS NOT INCLUDED IN THE GROWTH SERIES (SA350) SA350 Growth Series $2599.00 Includes all elements from PI001, SA300, SA301, SA302, SA303, SA304, SA305 - Human Infant Postcranial Bones (#PI001) - Human Subadult:0.5 – 1.5 Years of Age (#SA300) - Human Subadult:1 – 2 Years of Age (#SA301) - Human Subadult:7.5 – 8.5 Years of Age (#SA302) - Human Subadult:15 – 19 Years of Age (#SA303) - Human Subadult:Mid-Teens (#SA304) - Human Subadult:Late Teens (#SA305)
- Waigizaji Wengine | France Casting
Waigizaji Wengine Tafadhali Wasiliana nasi kwa -au- kuagiza au kuomba makadirio. MS001 Black Bear Hindpaw Disarticulated: $219.00 Articulated: $259.00 Articulated with brass wire (unless you specify elastic cord), this is a hindpaw from a black bear, including the calcaneus through the terminal phalanges (bone core for claws). From California State University, Chico, and is cast in resin. MS004 Black Bear Forepaw Disarticulated: $219.00 Articulated: $259.00 Forepaw, including carpals, articulated with brass wire and springs (unless you specify elastic cord), from a black bear. From California State University, cast in resin. MS003 Bear Cranium and Mandible $279.00 U. americanus, in excellent condition. MS006 Mountain Lion Cranium and Mandible $269.00 This large adult male had a broken canine, but that has been reconstructed, and we hope you can't tell which one it is. MS007 Hyena Male Skull $279.00 This skull is in excellent condition, from Egypt. MS008 Tiger Male Skull $439.00 Cranium and mandible are in excellent condition. MS009 Swan Furculum $39.00 Do your students really know their anatomy? Try this on them! Even some experts confuse this with an edentulous mandible. For picture please reach out. We like to keep this one under wraps so as not to give away the fun. MS100 Katanda Bone Points $85.00 per element. Barbed bone points from Zaire, dating to approximately 80,000 BP (or more), excavated by Alison Brooks, Ph.D. and John E. Yellen, Ph.D. between 1986 and 1990 (Science 268:548-556, 1995). Originals are currently at the Smithsonian Institution. Second picture shows all the items available currently. We custom paint these to approximate the original coloring. Excellent for display purposes. There are 12 pieces available: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, 1, 4, 8, 9, K9:10.
- Resources | France Casting
maswali yanayoulizwa mara kwa mara Je, unatoa huduma ya kimataifa? Ada za posta na ushughulikiaji hutofautiana kulingana na bidhaa, saizi ya agizo, huduma ya usafirishaji inayoombwa na mahali pa mwisho. Kwa makadirio sahihi zaidi, tafadhali wasiliana nasi kwa barua pepe au simu. Njia yetu chaguo-msingi ya usafirishaji kwa sasa ni usafirishaji wa FedEx International (uchumi au kipaumbele kulingana na eneo) kwa sababu inategemewa zaidi kuliko njia zingine za kimataifa za usafirishaji na inaletwa moja kwa moja hadi mlangoni pako, na kwa hivyo sio ya forodha. Kwa maagizo mengi ya kimataifa ya usafirishaji hii inamaanisha kiwango cha chini cha takriban $60 kwa kila sanduku linalosafirishwa au 10-12% ya jumla ya agizo la maagizo makubwa. Hii inapaswa kutoa makadirio yasiyofaa kwa madhumuni ya bajeti. Njia za bei nafuu na za gharama kubwa pia zinapatikana kwa ombi. Tafadhali wasiliana nasi kwa maelezo maalum ya usafirishaji. Kumbuka: Makadirio yote rasmi yanakuja na bei sahihi ya usafirishaji. Je, ninarudishaje kitu? KURIDHIKA KUNA UHAKIKA! Ikiwa, kwa sababu YOYOTE, hujaridhika kabisa na waigizaji, tafadhali irudishe kwa kubadilishana au kurejeshewa pesa. Wasiliana nasi HUDUMA KWA MTEJA Kadiri teknolojia ya utumaji inavyoendelea, nakala zetu zimebadilika kupitia nyenzo tatu za kimsingi. Tulianza mwaka wa 1986 na nakala zilizofanywa kwa plasta iliyowekwa na polyurethane. Hizi zilikuwa za kina lakini dhaifu. Kisha tulitengeneza tasnia kwa epoxy, ambayo ilikuwa ya kudumu zaidi, lakini ilikuwa hatari na ngumu kwetu kumwaga na kupunguza (ingawa ni salama katika bidhaa ya mwisho). Kwa sasa tunatumia resini ambayo ni salama zaidi kwetu, na inatoa maelezo ya ajabu katika utunzi wa kudumu. KUSAFISHA Ikiwa unamiliki epoksi au resin ya leo, unaweza kusafisha chuma kwa sabuni na maji au roho za madini. Roho za madini zinaweza kuondoa baadhi ya safisha ya rangi ya mafuta inayotumiwa kusisitiza maelezo, lakini haitadhuru ukanda yenyewe. Unaweza hata kuweka casts kwenye dishwasher (sawa, labda hutaki kufanya hivyo, lakini unaweza!). Ikiwa una plasta, unaweza kuitakasa kwa kitambaa chenye unyevunyevu kwa kutumia suluhu ya kusafisha (kama Orange Clean au Windex), lakini usiloweke cast. Plasta ina nguvu ipasavyo inapoponywa na kukauka, lakini inadhoofika inapolowa. Ikiwa cast yako italowa sana, iweke kando tu na iache ikauke. REKEBISHA Ijapokuwa resin ya leo ni ya kudumu, wanafunzi ni wataalam wa kiwewe cha nguvu kwa nyenzo za kufundishia, na ajali zinaweza kutokea. Na karatasi yoyote iliyovunjika (plasta, epoxy, au resin ya leo), tumia epoxy ya dakika 5 kwa ukarabati. Ikiwa unataka, unaweza kutumia Gundi ya Super kwenye epoxy au resin, lakini haifanyi kazi vizuri kwenye plasta. Ikiwa ungependa tukutengenezee uigizaji, tupigie simu! Vyanzo Bibliografia ya Sehemu ya SA001 hadi SA010 Brooks, S. & Suchey, JM (1990) Uamuzi wa umri wa mifupa kulingana na os pubis: ulinganisho wa mbinu za Acsadi-Nemeskeri na Suchey-Brooks. Mageuzi ya Binadamu, 5(3): 227-238. Katz, D. & Suchey, JM (1986) Uamuzi wa umri wa os pubis ya kiume. Jarida la Marekani la Anthropolojia ya Kimwili, 69: 427-435. Klepinger, LL, Katz, D., Micozzi, MS, & Carroll, L. (1992) Tathmini ya mbinu za kutupwa za kukadiria umri kutoka kwa os pubis. Journal of Forensic Sciences, JFSCA, 37(3): 763-770. Owings Webb, PA & Suchey, JM (1985) Epiphyseal union of the anterior iliac crest and medial clavicle katika sampuli ya kisasa ya jamii mbalimbali ya wanaume na wanawake wa Marekani, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 68: 457-466. Suchey, JM, Wiseley, DV, Green, RF, & Noguchi, TT (1979) Uchambuzi wa uti wa mgongo kwenye sehemu ya nyuma ya kinena katika sampuli pana ya wanawake wa kisasa wa Marekani. Jarida la Marekani la Anthropolojia ya Kimwili, 51(4): 517-540. Sutherland, LD, & Suchey, JM (1991), Matumizi ya safu ya tumbo katika uamuzi wa ngono ya pubic, Journal of Forensic Sciences, JFSCA, 36(2): 501-511. Sources
- Fragmentary Cast Series | France Casting
Fragmentary Cast Series Tafadhali Wasiliana nasi kwa -au- kuagiza au kuomba makadirio. FC001 Full Fragments Collection #1 $1650.00 or by the piece Collection #1 comes with 55 fragments. The set includes cranial & postcranial fragments, as well as, five non-human fragments. For a list or pictures, please contact us. *PRICES FOR INDIVIDUAL FRAGMENTS* 1-24 Fragments: $40.00 per fragment. 25-49 Fragments: $35.00 per fragment. FC002 Full Fragmentary Collection #2 $1440.00 Includes the full set of 46 fragments currently available. This set includes cranial & postcranial fragments, as well as, a few non-human fragments for variety. ***PRICES FOR INDIVIDUAL FRAGMENTS*** 1-24 Fragments: $40.00 per fragment. 25-54 Fragments: $35.00 per fragment.
- NMK FAQ | France Casting
Je, tunafanyaje hili? France Casting ina makubaliano na Makumbusho ya Kitaifa ya Kenya kuwa wasambazaji wao. Makubaliano yetu yanaturuhusu kukubali maagizo ya ununuzi wa waigizaji wa Makavazi ya Kitaifa ya Kenya. Kwa kufanya waigizaji hawa wapatikane kupitia France Casting, tunapanua fursa kwa wengi wenu kununua waigizaji halisi wa Makumbusho ya Kitaifa ya Kenya. Kwa nini tunafanya hivi? Unastahili uigizaji sahihi uliotengenezwa kutoka kwa nakala asili, sio nyenzo inayokadiriwa kutoka kwa picha au vipimo vya sampuli ya sampuli. Ukinunua moja kwa moja kutoka kwa Makavazi ya Kitaifa ya Kenya au kwa njia isiyo ya moja kwa moja kupitia France Casting, unatoa usaidizi kwa makumbusho nchini Kenya. Muhimu zaidi, unachangia katika kuendeleza juhudi za kazi ya shambani kupata zaidi ya mambo haya mazuri yaliyopatikana. Je, tunapata pesa kwenye mpango huo? Bei ya waigizaji ni sawa kwako, iwe inatolewa na France Casting au kutoka Makumbusho ya Kitaifa ya Kenya. Wanatupunguzia bei ya kila kipengele cha kutosha ili kufidia juhudi zetu katika kufanikisha mchakato huu. KNM ER 23000 cranium superior KP 29283 maxilla halves articulated LH5 maxilla KNM ER 23000 cranium superior 1/7 Kwa nini unapaswa kununua kutoka kwetu? Kila cast unayonunua moja kwa moja kutoka Makumbusho ya Kitaifa ya Kenya au kupitia France Casting inatoa hakikisho kwamba programu za ajabu za utafiti zinazohusika katika kutafuta, kuchimba, kusoma, kutupa na kusambaza visukuku asili zitaendelea. Makavazi ya Kitaifa ya Kenya yameomba kuheshimiwa kwa bidhaa zao na kwamba vyanzo vingine vinavyowezekana visirudie bidhaa hizo bila idhini. France Casting imeweka pamoja programu hii ili kuhakikisha kwamba waigizaji wa ubora wa juu watapatikana kwa wale wanaotarajia ubora huo. Kununua kutoka kwa wasambazaji wengine hakutoi hakikisho la msaada kwa Makumbusho ya Kitaifa ya Kenya au juhudi zao zinazoendelea za utafiti. Upatikanaji wa France Casting kama msambazaji wa kati ulianzishwa ili kuwezesha ununuzi kutoka Kenya katika hali ambapo kunaweza kuwa na kusitasita kuagiza kutoka kwa chanzo cha kigeni.
- Contact | France Casting
WASILIANA NASI Maswali yoyote, maoni, au wasiwasi wasiliana nasi! Maelezo ya Mawasiliano Mmiliki: Shane H Walker, MA Anwani: France Casting 1713 Willox Court Ste A Fort Collins, Colorado 80524 Simu: 970.221.4044 Faksi: 970.482.4766 Barua pepe: info@francecasts.com Saa: Jumatatu-Ijumaa: 9:00am-5:00pm Sat-Sun: Imefungwa Bora Kuliko Makumbusho ya Ubora wa Replicas ya Mifupa TUTUMIE UJUMBE! Mafanikio! Ujumbe umepokelewa. Ninataka kupokea arifa kuhusu vipengee vipya. Tuma!
- National Museum of Kenya | France Casting
France Casting hufanya kazi na The National Museum of Kenya (NMK) kutoa waigizaji kutoka Kenya. Nyenzo hizi zimetengenezwa na wafanyakazi wa NMK. Zinasafirishwa moja kwa moja kutoka Nairobi, Kenya, hadi kwako. HAZIJADILIWA kutoka kwa picha, vipimo, au uchunguzi wa sayari - lakini IMETENGENEZWA kutokana na ukungu wa vielelezo asilia! Viungo Tafadhali tumia viungo hivi hapa chini kutazama katalogi ya NMK na orodha ya bei. Wasiliana nasi moja kwa moja kwa maswali yoyote. Katalogi ya Makumbusho ya Kitaifa ya Kenya Orodha ya bei ya Makavazi ya Kitaifa ya Waigizaji wa Kenya Wasiliana na France Casting Kwa Habari Zaidi KNM MB 29100 cranium superior MS2050 KNM WT 15000 anterior KNM MB 29100 cranium superior 1/6
- 404 | France Casting
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